Come From Away

Come From Away

Come From Away

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Event Details

Additional Ticket Information

*Additional fees added at checkout

All sales final; no refunds or exchanges allowed. Artists, dates, times, prices, venues, subject to change.

Age Restrictions

Unless listed as a Family or Children’s event, most performances are intended for teens & adults. Some events are not appropriate for children under 18. We welcome children under the age of 3 or 4 years old for family entertainment, but we do not recommend they attend more mature offerings.

All children who have reached their first birthday require a ticket.

Run Time

1 hour & 40 minutes, no intermission.

Photo & Video Policy

Taking video, photos, or texting durning the performance is prohibited. Actors' Equity Association, The American Federation of Musicians, and Federal Law prohibit the use of cameras and recording devices during any performance. 

Sep 2024